William Hardaway

Fresno, CA, USA


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  • "This is absolutely awesome. I can't wait for this to be a mainstay in shops across the world.  "
    on: Evo-One, the Affordable Desktop CNC Mill
  • "I understand the comments of the other users, but how do you think their concerns could be addressed? I think folding for storage is a respectable approach in the kitchen, but how can you make it thinner, make the hinge safer, and get rid of the crease where food is not lost? Is there a flexible, stretchable, yet firm material that can ride the crease of the cutting board?  "
    on: Bambleu: a 4-in-1 Folding Bamboo Cutting Board
  • "There are so many benefits to getting life-like visualizations early. They inspire ideas and give you the motivation for follow through.  "
    on: RZR: A Modern Redesign of the Classic Shaving Razor
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